Half of All Business Startups Are by Encore Entrepreneurs
Men and Women 50 or Older
And most of these people have never owned a business before. These first-time business owners are starting a business as an encore to a previous career, which is why we call them encore entrepreneurs.
Our Mission Is To Help Them Thrive
StartupsAfter50.com is home for these aspiring entrepreneurs — especially those taking their very first plunge into owning a business.
Whatever the Stage of Your Business Startup,
You've Come to the Right Place
Maybe you've already started your encore business. Or you're about to start one.
Or perhaps you're still in the "thinking" stage. You're drawn to the idea of owning a business. But you're unsure about the steps to take.
Or you may know how to start a business, but you're looking for the courage to do it.
Whatever the case, Startups After 50 is for you. We want to be your advocate, your encourager, and your guide.
We are dedicated to being your first choice for up-to-date resources and training that show you how to start a business well and build it right from day one.
As an Encore Entrepreneur You Have Distinct Advantages
Your chief advantage is the experience and self-knowledge that you've acquired through your early adult years.
- You have a better sense of your capabilities, your strengths and limitations, and your passion.
- These can all serve you well and make for more informed business decisions.
Encore Entrepreneurs Also Face Unique Challenges
Startups later in life can bring fears and anxieties that younger entrepreneurs are less likely to confront. For those of us who are looking at 50 in the rear view mirror, the calendar is working against us.
- If we fail, we have only a few years to recover financially before retirement.
- We are tempted, therefore, to be cautious rather than venturesome.

On the other hand, these same calendar-driven realities create urgency. We can't wait decades for our business to mature. We need to ramp it up quickly.
In addition, encore entrepreneurs are often juggling the startup of a business and care for aging parents. This creates a further demand on their time that most younger entrepreneurs don't face.
Here You'll Find The Answers You Need
StartupsAfter50.com addresses these realities — and others like them — straightforwardly and with practical, proven, how-to advice.
- Our blog posts provide short, thought-provoking ideas about topics of high value to encore entrepreneurs.
- Our tutorials, helpful videos, articles, and other resources give you the insight you need for enduring success in your business.
- And our inbox magazine, delivered twice a week by email, is filled with practical tips and guidance that you can use immediately in your business.
To learn more, see the brief video in the right column by Mike Armour, founder of Startups After 50. Let him share his commitment to help people build a successful business, whatever their stage of life.