You can build no greater competitive advantage for your business than establishing a reputation for credibility and then protecting it. We live in a time when suspicion and wariness are rampant. Scam artists abound. Polls indicate that trust in institutions, corporations, and government is at all-time lows. It’s hardly surprising, then, that we’ve learned to be extremely cautious — perhaps even leery — when dealing with people and organizations that we don’t know well.
There are so many abuses of integrity today that people are eager to do business with someone whose word and character they can trust. As part of every decision that you make as a business owner, as part of every endeavor that your business undertakes, you should ask yourself, "Will this add to our credibility? Or detract from it?" This single question will keep you on track in terms of keeping credibility in good repair.
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A New Twist on Customer Relations Mike Armour How do you view your relationship with your customers? When asked that question, small business owners generally answer with statements like, "I’m the seller and they are the buyer." Or, "I’m dependent … Continue reading →
What every business needs is an early warning system to alert the owner when customer discontent is afoot. Astute owners understand that complaints are a vital part of that early warning system.
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Great creative efforts begin with an idea. The idea for a novel. The idea for a sculpture. The idea for a movie. And, might I add, the idea for a business. Your startup is rooted in an idea. Not a compact, one-line idea. But a series of specific ideas which converge to form what we might call the IDEA – the singular Orchestrating Idea behind your business.
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When is a business big enough to start thinking about developing its brand? The answer. From day one. Your brand is the identity that you have in the marketplace. If you do not define that identity purposefully, you will end up with a default identity defined by chance and happenstance.
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Recently I went to lunch at a restaurant owned by a long-time friend. While waiting for my family to arrive, I was standing outside the front door. Right by the entrance, just steps from where I stood, was a prime … Continue reading →