Lay a Solid Business Foundation for Your Startup

Lay a Solid Business Foundation
for Your Startup

Track One of the
LeaderTrack Small Business Coaching Series

This coaching track is ideal for encore entrepreneurs in the earliest stages of starting a business. It assures that the fundamental elements of your business are put together soundly from the very beginning.

As you work through this track you will:

  • Define your vision and mission statements
  • Spell out your initial mid-range goals for the business
  • Analyze the market potential for your startup
  • Evaluate your potential revenue streams
  • Construct a three-year budget
  • Complete your business plan

Track Description and Fee

  • You may receive a no-obligation, complimentary coaching session before you commit to a coaching engagement
  • During your coaching engagement, you will have unlimited access to your coach by phone or email whenever you need assistance
  • You will retain the option to suspend the coaching sessions or cancel additional sessions at any time
MonthPrimary Theme for the Month
OneClarifying the Seven Parameters that Shape Your Business*
TwoEstablishing Your Preliminary Goals
ThreeAssessing Your Market and Revenue Streams
FourOutlining the Basic Elements of Your Business Plan
FiveDeveloping a Three-Year Budget and Cash Flow Analysis
SixFinalizing Your Business Plan

*The seven parameters are your purpose and motivation, your values, your vision, the mission for your business, its legal structure, your envisioned size for the business, and your eventual exit strategy.

Your Investment: $3600
Monthly Payment: $600
10% Discount for Full Payment in Advance

Note: It is assumed that you will make at least three hours of time available each week for follow-through on commitments made in the coaching sessions and to complete homework assignments.

For More Information

Mike Armour offers you a free business coaching session

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Coaching Options

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Marketing Plan

Leverage Your Management Effectiveness

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